Circle of Songs


We normally meet every first Sunday, from 2-4 pm at the GROVER HOUSE or at the EATONTOWN LIBRARY.

Please make sure that you are on my mailing list, so I can inform you about future circles.

Click here for an enlarged view.
The Eatontown Community Center
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt


WE WILL ATTEMPT  to keep meeting on every first Sunday on the porch of the Grover House.


For two Covid years, we have been doing virtual festivals.  They turned out very beautiful, and I hope that we can do more in the future.  You can check them out at

We also held our 47th Festival the weekend of August 6 and 7, 2022 in Red Bank, and we hope to have another Festival in September 2023 or next year.  PLEASE CHECK FOR THE INFORMATION on the “Performances” page.


We lost two of our most enthusiastic captains, and the boat hasn’t been launched as often as we would like it.  Please check the following websites for recent information:

February 2014 Circle of Song Session at the Eatontown Community Center
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

October 2012 Circle of Song Session at The Turnstile Coffee Bar
Photo: Larry Stockel 
Click for an enlarged view!
Early Circle of Song Session with Jim Crawford, Isis Ra, 
Ingrid Heldt and Sharleen Leahey
Photo:  Jack Charlton

More Pictures Below
The Story of Circle of Song


Welcome to the home of

Pls. check the PDF files on the right-hand side of this page
as well as performances page for our most recent updates.

Thank you.

There are always opportunities for audience members to participate.

Please come and bring your instrument or – if you prefer – just come and listen.

The suggested donation of $7 is still split between NJ Friends of Clearwater and
Pastor Sony’s work on behalf of the homeless and the hungry in Asbury Park

Click to see an enlarged picture!   Click to see an enlarged picture!


930 West Front Street, Middletown, NJ

Parkway:  Ex.109 = Route 520 East – take the first left – via the jughandle after the
Lyncroft Academy bus station (Half Mile Road) – go to the end, take a left at Front Street –
The Grover House will be after Sterling Court, which is the third street on the left. 
It will be on your right, and there is parking in front.

Route 35 North:  I found this to be easiest:  Before you get into Red Bank, take the jughandle to Route 520 West (Newman Springs Road).  Before the Lyncroft Academy Bus Station, take a right onto Half Mile Road.  Take it to the end, then turn left onto Front Street.  The Grover House will be about three blocks down, after Sterling Court.  You will see a large sign on your right, and there is parking in front.

Route 35 South:  After the bridge into Red Bank, follow the signs to Front Street.  Go West on Front Street.  The Grover House will be about three blocks after Half Mile Road (the first light), after Sterling Court.  You will see a large sign on your right, and there is parking in front.


33 Broad Street (= Route 71), Eatontown

BROAD STREET is parallel to Route 36, 4 traffic lights north of it.

Parkway Ex.105 = Rte. 36 East – left (via jughandle) at Route 35 North – take a right at 4th light (= Broad St.= Route 71) – the Library is on your left, before the fire station.  Turn into the lot.

Route 18 Same directions as from the Parkway.  The Exit is 13B (in both directions).

Route 35 North Turn right at the 4th light after the Route 36 crossing (=Broad or Route 71), go less than half a block.  The center is on the right, before the Fire Station.  Turn into the lot.

Route 35 South There’s a very strange jughandle to follow when taking a left onto Broad St = Route 71 – watch for the Library on your right, before the Fire Station.

Route 195 If you come on Route 195 East, turn right onto Route 18 or continue to Route 35 – follow those directions.


72 Broad Street, Eatontown:

Follow the same direction(s) as to the Library, but
continue another half block east, on BROAD STREET.
The building is on your right.  Turn into the lot.


608 River Road (corner 7th Avenue), Belmar

At the north side of 7th Avenue, between Main Street and the Railroad tracks is a large parking lot, shared by the Police Station.

From the Parkway (and Route 195 East): Turn from the Parkway onto Route 195 East (Exit 98) – then turn onto Route 35 north – take a right onto 8th Avenue – then a left onto Main Street – another left onto 7th Avenue – look for the large parking lot of the Belmar Arts Council on your right before the Railroad tracks.

From Main Street South: Turn right onto 7th Avenue – then look for the Arts Council on your right, before the RR tracks.

From the Turnstile Coffee Bar (and Main Street North):  Leave the Turnstile Lot while taking a left onto Route 71 – then a right onto 16th Avenue – a left onto Main Street North – another left onto 7th Avenue – then look for the Belmar Arts Council on your right before the RR tracks.

906 Grand Avenue, Asbury Park 
(this was our first venue – it was Pastor Sony's church)

Grand Avenue is parallel to the ocean, four blocks inland.  The church has a large lot, accessible from 2nd Avenue.  There is also street parking.

You can enter the building from the parking lot if the middle door is open.  If not, come around to the main entrance in the front.  The handicap ramp is there.  Inside, there are three steps from the sanctuary to the room behind, where we will be.


all rights reserved 2021©


Past and Present Monthly Fliers


Click for an enlarged view!
2015-12-06 At the First United Methodist Church of Asbury Park

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt


Sharleen and her Cactus Flowers – They Met at our Circle of Song
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

The Day When Our Circle Competed with Eatontown’s Book Sale
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Song Circle at
Eatontown’s Library

Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Martin Swinger – Does Anyone
Need a Pete Seeger Lookalike ? – 43rd Annual Festival
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Jen Christensen, Mara Levine and
The Solidarity Singers – 43rd Annual Festival
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Tommy and Abby Anton – 43rd Annual Festival

:  Ingrid Heldt

Our Garvey, Pete's Banjo, at our 42nd Annual Festival
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Ninetta Nappi and Barry Kersch at our 42nd Annual Festival
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Vendors at our 42nd Annual Festival

Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Isis Breaking into a Dance at our 42nd Annual Festival
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Sharleen Leahey and the Cactus Flowers
 - a group formed during our Circles of Song
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

Rosemary Wright and her Storytellers
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – Rosemary Wright and her Storytellers on Circle of Song Stage

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – Linda Phillips, David Rosenberg, Lily Rose, Sharleen Leahey
and Rob Lincoln on Circle of Song Stage

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – Diane Doolittle, Linda Phillips and the Circle Audience

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – Jan Christensen – one of Pete Seeger’s Sloop Singers who has been with us more for than thirty years

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – Isis Ra with her movie star great grandson Elias Washington

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – Bob Vinick doing the Sound for Ingrid and Dale on the Circle Stage

hoto:  David Rosenberg

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st
Festival – The Weeklings featuring Glen Burtnik on the Killian Stage

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

2016-09-10 NJF Clearwater 41st Festival – 
The audience at the Killian Stage

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival:  Lydia Adams Davis and Ingrid

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival David Rosenberg, Tommy and Abby Anton, Lilly Rosenberg,
Elliot Stephen Cohen and Ingrid
hoto:  Unknown
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Ingrid, Lydia Adams Davis, Sharleen Leahey

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Sharleen Leahey, Linda Phillips and Circle ‘Round the Sun

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Bob Killian at the Circle of Song

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Sky of Sky Solar with the Sound Crew, Mark and Chick

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – Tommy and Abby Anton

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival James Durst and Madhumita Chakrabartti

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Circle of Song Stage during rain shower

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!

2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Circle of Song Stage

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt

Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival Diane Doolittle, Sharleen Leahey, Ingrid, Linda Phillips

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – Judith Bernz and Jesse, dancing

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – Bob Mecklenburger, Rosemary Wright, Salle Neal and Linda Phillips

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – Judith Bernz, Isis Ra, Dale Lakata and Ingrid

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2014-09-13 Lydia Adams Davis with Tommy and Abby Anton

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – with Dale Lakata, Judith Bernz, Ingrid and Isis Ra

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – with Mike Taylor

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-09-12 NJF Clearwater 40th
Festival – with Lydia Adams Davis and Jan Christensen

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-06-07 Circle of Song with Jim Crawford

hoto:  Sally Neal
Click for an enlarged view!
2014-08-02 Circle of Song with Sharleen Leahey

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2014-08-02 Circle of Song with Sharleen Leahey

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click for an enlarged view!
2014-10-05 Circle of Song with Cosby Gibson

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click for an enlarged view!
2014-10-05 Cosby Gibson and Ingrid

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click for an enlarged view!
2015-04-12 Circle of Song with Dennis Do No Ugh !

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 “Under the Shoprite Truck

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 Dennis MC Do No Ugh ! performing under the truck

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 Judith Bernz and 92-year-old Mike Taylor underneath the truck

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 James Durst Singing
“Wasn’t that a Mighty Storm” just before it came down

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 Diane Doolittle on flute.
She and Bill Doerge backed us up

hoto:  Mark Lamhut
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 Our Circle of Song Audience Braving the Storms

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 NJF Clearwater 39th
Festival – Jim Crawford

hoto:  Mark Lamhut
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 NJF Clearwater 39th
Festival – Madhumita Chakrabartti and James Durst

hoto:  Mark Lamhut
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 NJF Clearwater 39th
Festival – Cosby Gibson

hoto:  Mark Lamhut
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-07-06 Circle of Song with Cynthia Summers

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-08-03 Edie Toussaint at
Circle of Song – she was Gigi Goldstein’s
best friend whose songs I recorded and cover

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-08-03 Circle of Song with Sally Neal

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-08-03 Group Photo with Rob Lincoln
hoto:  Courtesy Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-08-03 Circle of Song with Rob Lincoln

hoto:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-03-01 Circle of Song with Sharleen Leahey

Photo:  Courtesy Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-06-01 Circle of Song with Lydia Adams Davis
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-05-04 Circle of Song in Belmar with Bob Mecklenburger

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-06-01 Lydia Adams Davis at Circle of Song

Photo:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-05-04 Circle of Song at the Belmar Arts Council

hoto:  Chris Krebs
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-09-13 Circle of Song at the Belmar Arts Council with Bob Mecklenburger

hoto:  Chris Krebs
Click here for an enlarged view.
2012-02-21 Carl Croce and Joe Petraitis

hoto:  Larry Stockel
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-02-02 Seventy People Came to Commemorate Pete Seeger

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-02-02 Seventy People Came to Commemorate Pete Seeger

hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2014-02-02 Seventy People Came to Commemorate Pete Seeger
hoto:  Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2013-10-06 Circle of Song with Sally Neal
Photo:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2013-10-06 Spontaneous dance at Circle of Song
Photo:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2013-10-06 Isis Ra, Linda Phillips, Bill Doerge and
Red Cloud at Circle of Song
Photo:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2013-09-15 NJ Friends
of Clearwater Festival in Long Branch –
Circle of Song with James Durst,
Sharleen Leahey, Linda Phillips and
Ingrid Heldt
Photo:  Elliot Stephen Cohen
Click here for an enlarged view.
2013-08 Practicing with Spook Handy, Ingrid Heldt, Pete Seeger
and Michael Scolnick in Beacon, NY
Photo:  Elliot Stephen Cohe
Click here for an enlarged view.
2013-09-15 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival in Long Branch - Finale
Photo:  Elliot Stephen Cohen

2012-01-21 Circle of Song with Joe Iantosca
Photo: Ingrid Heldt 

2012 Circle of Song Performers
on Main Festival Stage by Chris Kaefer
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-11-18 Circle of Song with
Arlon Bennet
Photo: Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival -
Mara Levine and Arlon Bennet
Photo: Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival -
April Iorio of April Mae & Catfish
Photo: Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival -
Dave Fecca of April Mae & Catfish
Photo: Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival - Main Stage Finale with 
Petraitis, Mike Meade, Sharleen Leahey, April Iorio,
Spook Handy, Eric Russell,Ingrid Heldt & Arlon Bennett
Photo: Carol L. Sciacca
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival - Sloop Singer Jan Christensen - 
his 30th Anniversary with NJF Clearwater
Photo: Ingrid Heldt
Click here for an enlarged view.
2011-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival - Main Stage Finale with Spook Handy,
Eric Russell, Ingrid Heldt, Arlon Bennet, and Kathy Moser
Photo: Carol L. Sciacca
Click here for an enlarged view.
2010-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival: Having fun with Hillary Zaenchick, Jan Chrsitensen, Mike Meade, Emily Grove and Tom Picard
Photo:  Kacie Baker
Click here for an enlarged view.
2010-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival:
Ingrid Heldt having fun! 
Photo:  Kacie Baker
Click here for an enlarged view.
2010-08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival: Isis and her Tribe and
the beautiful new banners contributed by Neptune Senior Center
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt

2010 08 Emily Grove and Mike Meade at the 2010 Festival
Photo:  Ingrid Heldt
Click to see an enlarged picture!
2010 08 NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival:
Circle of Song Performers on the Main Festival Stage
Photo: Ingrid Held
Click to see an enlarged picture!
2010 08 Thomas Wesley Stern at the 2010 Festival

Photo: Kacie Baker
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